
About Health Insurance

Simply put, health insurance is supposed to be protection against major catastrophic medical costs.

All Health Plans Are Not Created Equal

There isn't a perfect policy, it doesn't exist. Nobody's going to pay for everything and ALL health insurance plans have their 2-3 pages of EXCLUSIONS. Everyone is going to exclude things like cosmetic surgery, experimental treatments, homeopathic treatments, bunions, and even toe fungus.

But remember most insurance companies put LIMITS in the small print of their policies. For example, if you need physical therapy after an accident, stroke or heart attack, all  ACA plans limit you to 20 such visits annually.  If you need more than that to get back on your feet, you would be responsible for 100% of those costs out-of-pocket.

This is why catastrophic coverage must be the foundation of any good plan.

Cancer, Heart Attack and Strokes are the 3 top killers in America.  Car wrecks also happen every day.  The primary thing you must have coverage for is major medical treatment.  Buying a plan that has a low deductible, a $25 doctor visit copay and wellness checkups, but has severe limits on the "big things" is not wise.

According a recent Harvard University study, nearly 62% of bankruptcies in this country are due to unpaid medical bills.

We help you avoid these problems by only recommending true major medical coverage without any limits.  That way you're confident that you have protection if something catastrophic happens.


In nine out of ten cases we can guide families into better health insurance coverage than they have today.  And if we can't improve your current situation, we'll tell you that as well. Let Southwest Health & Life review your health insurance options and put together a plan that fits your needs.

SITEMAP  |  Greg Hammons | Southwest Health and Life | PO Box 821541 | Dallas, TX 75382 | 214-289-6314


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